Then came order taking, tech support and always, always, beta testing the latest EQ. And what an amazing opportunity this has been for me! As the first employee, I started out packing product and running to the post office. I was in the process of renewing my teaching certificate. Neumann” for a college math class the previous fall. I didn’t hesitate about becoming The Electric Quilt Company’s first employee when I received a phone call from Penny McMorris in the spring of 1992. The former marathon runner and now active walker can be seen with camera in hand on any given day in Bowling Green, Ohio…………and the EQ staff loves when she ‘pops in’ to cheer on her former teammates! She enjoys photography and travelling with her husband and EQ co-founder, Dean Neumann. Penny retired from EQ office-life in 2016.
To her staff, her enthusiasm and cheerleader-style customer service has been a model to follow even though she’s no longer in the office. At EQ, she was the friendly voice on the phone or in email, the newsletter writer, lesson writer and much more. Her real passion was helping contemporary quilt artists have their works be seen. She convinced the local PBS station (WBGU-TV) into letting her produce and host several television shows about quilt history as well as contemporary quilts. Penny enjoyed art history and especially quilts.
Penny was the corporate art curator for Owens-Corning Corporation headquartered in Toledo, Ohio for many years.